While her Xrays don't look terrible, SHE looks terrible and sounds even worse. She sounds like a washing machine. One that someone put some chains and rocks in. She is working a bit to breathe, but will NOT cough it out. For whatever reason, her cough response is about nil right now. I am tormenting this child with the the tube.. in and out..in and out.. down her nose, down her throat..but only 1 out of 7 times I get a cough from it. We gave her an extra dose of Klonopin yesterday morning, as her seizures were doing their normal, " Our host is sick, let's go crazy!" activity. I think that obviously played a large part in her being more sedated and suppressing her reactions. But last night and today, that excuse can't be used. Perhaps she's just "over" the dang tube being jammed into her. No fevers really.. 99 this morning, but she has pretty much been normal. We have added the cough assist to her regimen of machines in this room, I don't know what else to add to get that junk out of her. Time. It's the only other option. Just keep shaking, pounding, suctioning, yelling at... her, and with time, she will get better. Oh, I yell at her, I sure do! I threaten too. Perhaps that's why she's not responding, she's like, "screw you!" and showing normal child "ignore" status.
Okay fine, as I do not yell at her, I do threaten. I threaten a butt kicking if she doesn't cough. She's not scared of me, as it hasn't worked yet! Anyhoo.... til' a later time......
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
7 months; part deux
Sunday was a super ugly day and night, that carried into early Monday morning. The rest of Monday was great, she had settled down, and sounded so much better. However, a repeat x-ray that afternoon, showed that the pneumonia started developing on the left side. Strange to me, since clinically, she was improving. So yesterday, I thought she will be outta here by Wednesday. Today is a yucky day though. She is officially on the rollercoaster ride. Down/up/down.. so tomorrow, should be up, right? Retractions have set back in, she sounds coarser than yesterday and today's x-ray does not show an improvement. She is on 2 antibiotics, extra fluids, slow drip feedings, and respiratory therapies ( steriod, hypertonic saline, vest, manual percussions, albuterol and suctioning. We are going to attempt the cpap again tonight. They tried last night but Kira Jean was NOT having it. Overall, she is not too bad, she's been much sicker than this. She just needs to hurry up and heal by Thursday because Momma needs some vino, candied yams and family!
Monday, November 21, 2011
7 Months..
...is how long it has been since Kira was last in the hospital for her respiratory illnesses. She was admitted yesterday, her cold turned into pneumonia on her right side. She has had a cold for about 10 days, even had 2 xrays to make sure it was staying out of her chest. As of Wednesday, her lungs were clear. On Thursday, I think it was, I started getting a couple green plugs. But since the x ray the day before said clear lungs, and just "common cold". I wasn't *too* concerned. There was a dramatic difference in her illness/behavior/02 needs as of yesterday. Until yesterday, while she had gunkies for me to suction and she required 02, she was calm, relaxed and comfy. Now she is a working machine, retractions, seizures back to back, very agitated, high heart rate and respiratory rate. The dramatic difference that took place in 1 day has me a bit concerned. But I know my girl, and she is one tough cookie.. so with the right meds and therapies, she should turn the good corner just as fast as she turned the bad corner. At home, she had been on 3 liters of 02 via nasal cannulas, but yesterday and this morning, she is on 6-10 liters via the mask. 7 months is such a good run for Kira Jean though.. i'm proud of her. I'm also very grateful to her new Nurse Jessica, for which I am certain has played equally as large a part in keeping her home this long. ( I feel like I am winning an Oscar) As she is struggling right now, and has not relaxed at all since yesterday, she could sure use some Prayers for comfort to overwhelm her body, so healing can take place. Thank you. <3
Monday, September 19, 2011
? x1
That means, this is my first follow up regarding the post titled, "?". It's been 2 days since I wrote that, and things really aren't much clearer over here, except for this..she *is* sick. She got a little worse, pretty much needing 02 consistently now, but she can get by on 1 liter for awhile, but never needing more than 2. She was off the 02 for a short time today, however... long enough to take a bath and kind of watch her to see what she does. If she is able to be on room air, it's momentarily, and she only sats at 93-94... then she will drop back to the mid-high 80's. Jessica, ( her nurse ) has been beautifully aggressive with her. She did the Theravest 3 times in an 8 hour period. The vest goes on like a life jacket, inflates like a blood pressure cuff, and vibrates and shakes so the lungs get jostled and helps in clearing the gunk from the sacs. I have mentioned it before, but it really is such a great medical tool, really makes a difference! She is not ready to go to the hospital yet, and hopefully, will not need to. I THINK we may be able to escape a trip with this illness. Her chest sounds clear pretty good with a hearty cough and deep suctioning. She is a comfortable girl, not agitated at all, nor have her seizures increased due to this illness. So all in all.. things are pretty mild over here. :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
So I have no idea what is going on with Sissy. For the past 2 weeks, she has been dipping her 02 sats, and needing suctioning here and there. Her congestion sounds will clear when she coughs and I suction. It's very strange. Normally, when she is ill, it's cut and dry. She will get sick, drop her 02 sats, need supplemental 02 consistently until either the cold is over or she progresses to pneumonia. Before last night however, she could go 22 hours on room air in the high 90's, but need 02 for 2 hours because she's in the high 80's, then go back to maintaining a great number on room air. Ugh. Was that confusing? Sorry, if so. Anyhoo, pretty much yesterday, she was on more oxygen than room air. Last night, when she was on her left side, she was in the high 80's, but if I turn her to her right, she came back up to mid 90's. Something is a brewing, but I wish it would make itself more clear, whatever it is. Right now, it has me beyond confused. Right now, she is on her left side because she slept on her right, on 2 liters of 02, and her sats are 94-95. I just realized to some people this may sound like I am speaking a foreign language. When I say her "sats" it's her oxygen saturation level. Your oxygen saturation level should be 100 if healthy. Even the healthiest of people don't always sat at a perfect 100 though, but really 98 or above. Kira, when healthy, always sats at 100. Her satting in the 80's clearly says there's a plug or something in there, that is not allowing free air flow, and allowing her body to oxygenate well. And I am sure most know this, but what the hay.... 02 means oxygen. I have an oxygen concentrator here, and it goes up to 4 liters. I use the nasal cannulas with it. She hardly ever needs me to use it though, like I said, unless she's sick, she's a pretty stable little girl! Okay, done rambling... I am not even going to proof read this, I know it's a mess of number's and jumble... I didn't sleep well, and have not had a full cup of joe yet... ;)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Respite Follow Up
So we are a week in with Kira's nurse Jessica. It is working out beautifully. Jessica is a very loving woman, exactly what I wished for, for Sister! She paints her nails, reads to her, sings to her, cuddles with her. Kira i'm sure, is in hog Heaven with this extra attention! Jessica has 4 kids herself, so she gets the chaos of a home with young ones. She doesn't mind at all that Aaron is at her heel often. He loves his new friend Jessica, lol. She is great with him too, adds him in to storytime and plays with him. I am feeling Blessed. Something that was brought up a couple of days ago, was my schooling. Now with her here full time, I would be able to go back to school. I filled out my online application for returning students last night. The next round of classes don't start until Jan. 14th, but I think I will be a student at that time! All great stuff ahead!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Tomorrow is the big day!
Kira's respite nurse starts tomorrow. All I know about her thus far is- her name is Jessica. She will be here at 8 a.m. I actually have an appointment for Sissy tomorrow at 11 a.m. for her monthly port flush. I will take Jessica with me. The house is pretty much ready for her, but there are still some odd and end things I need to do in Kira's room to be 100% ready. As it is, I have all of her tubing, ointments, hair clips, lip glosses, masks, etc. joined in the same tubs. So I need to separate and organize for the nurse to have easy access to each individual item. I am okay with a disorganized organized box, but that's just me. ;) I am honestly a bit nervous, and there's this small part of me that's still asking "Why am I doing this?" I already know the answer to that though. I am doing this for Kira, and ignoring any Mother pride that is trying to get in the way of it. I will definitely update tomorrow evening, about how the first day went. :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Not completely stable
Well, here it is, 3:21 a.m. Kira woke me up, by making strange sounds. I went to check on her, and she had a bloody nose in her left nostril, which is where she usually gets them, when on 02 too long, or with aggressive suctioning. When I took the 02 prongs out of her nose to wipe her, her oxygen saturation dropped to 74, and she went dusky (loss of color). I am not sure what is going on with her. Why is she on 02 you ask? Here is what has been going on for the past few days....
When Sissy needs to nunu ( go #2 for you appropriate folk), she gets worked up. She can sound congested and crunchy for a few days while her intestines are doing their business in there. Once she fills her diaper, her lung/throat congestion sounds, clear up. So I figure for the past few days, that is what has been happening here. Although, I never really need to put her on 02 during her nunu irritability (just coined that right now), she has been dipping a wee bit. Not much at all, when she dips, she only has been dipping to 88, then coming back to the mid 90's. I have been putting the 02 on her for security overnight. When I went to sleep last night, around 11 p.m., she was hanging at 96. I only had her on 1 liter, which brought her back to 99-100. So here we are now, and there is clearly more going on than what I thought. I deep suctioned to induce a cough, but it was nonproductive. She sounds pretty good. Which scares me, because sometimes, when she sounds good on the outside, but her sats are low, it means it is consolidated, just IN there, know what I mean. So I suspect we will be at Kaiser today. I will keep you posted.
When Sissy needs to nunu ( go #2 for you appropriate folk), she gets worked up. She can sound congested and crunchy for a few days while her intestines are doing their business in there. Once she fills her diaper, her lung/throat congestion sounds, clear up. So I figure for the past few days, that is what has been happening here. Although, I never really need to put her on 02 during her nunu irritability (just coined that right now), she has been dipping a wee bit. Not much at all, when she dips, she only has been dipping to 88, then coming back to the mid 90's. I have been putting the 02 on her for security overnight. When I went to sleep last night, around 11 p.m., she was hanging at 96. I only had her on 1 liter, which brought her back to 99-100. So here we are now, and there is clearly more going on than what I thought. I deep suctioned to induce a cough, but it was nonproductive. She sounds pretty good. Which scares me, because sometimes, when she sounds good on the outside, but her sats are low, it means it is consolidated, just IN there, know what I mean. So I suspect we will be at Kaiser today. I will keep you posted.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Falling into place
Things are seriously turning around for the better super quickly all of a sudden. It's finally all coming together. I should be able to pick up Kira's handicap parking placard soon, and I just got home from the van conversion shop that is going to hook a wheelchair lift to the back of my truck! This is all so exciting! This platform raises to my level for me to hook the ties on, lowers and drops flat to wheel the chair off/on, and fully swings out of the way for total back of the vehicle access.
Handicap Placard... check
Wheelchair lift.....check
Respite nurse.....check
Employment for Daddy...check
Hospital bed... half check
Thank you Jesus.
Handicap Placard... check
Wheelchair lift.....check
Respite nurse.....check
Employment for Daddy...check
Hospital bed... half check
Thank you Jesus.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hi guys. A few updates here, on respite, the bed and her Rapunzel hair.
I just received a call, letting me know they found a respite Nurse for Sis. The charge Nurse will come to my home next Wednesday to do the paperwork, talk more about what this all entails, and do a home inspection. K, that last part scares me.. do you even know how much house cleaning I have to do, for someone to do a walk through of this place?! Egads! Then, Kira's Nurse will start approximately 2 weeks after that. I would love some Prayers that it's a good match. I understand that the match is more for her to tend to Kira's high needs, but obviously, I Pray for a good personality match for her and myself. Her hours will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F. I have no clue how I am suppose to entertain her for all of those hours each day. Kira will not need all of those hours to be hands on...so there will be tons of chit chat between her and I. I am sure all of this will be a beautiful situation, as I absolutely adore almost every one of Kira's hospital folks. I will keep you posted...
I spoke to Kira's Dr. about the bed situation, and she was putting in another prescription for a new bed. I have yet to hear anything back though. I need to follow up, because by now, a new bed should have been delivered, I should have received an email, or received a denial letter by mail. Good thing Kira sleeps with me often anyway.
After years of debating on cutting her hair, I DID IT. I would go back and forth so much, and always falling back to the fact that it's gorgeous and I just can't and won't cut it. Now that I did, I have no doubt what so ever, that I made the right choice, for KIRA. I kept it long for ME. She did not like her hair long. She has a sensitive scalp like her Momma, and she would posture and spit when I combed the rats nests out. It was always getting pulled, laid on, or caught on something when down. So I ended up mostly keeping it in an updo. Everyone told me how beautiful it was, that I shouldn't cut it, and even Jim has said many times that she is like Samson, and her hair is her strength. I put way too much symbolic value on her hair. She is my only girl. I have all of these boyish boys, and I just want to be able to do the "girly" thing to the fullest. It was such a ridiculously emotional thing for me to do. I am almost embarrassed that all of this hair business with Sissy is such a big deal to me. Anyway.. it's done, she looks absolutely adorable, and I know that she feels a million times better. THAT is what matters. It's quality of life, not length of hair for this girl now! ;)
Umm, what else to update with? Have I been on here since her Birthday? I don't think I have. It was pretty uneventful for her unfortunately. We went to my Father in Laws, and had a nice time with a few family members. For a large part of the day, it was too hot for her to be out, so she stayed inside, on the couch while we all swam and bbq'd. Poor Girl. She sat in Daddy's lap for her fireworks. YES, they are HER's now! lol Next year, Kira is going to have a large birthday bash at our house, on a different day other than the 4th. You are all invited!
On a wonderful note, Jim finally got a job. Hard times are about to be lifted. Whew. I have learned many valuable lessons through out all of this though. I have learned how to stretch a dollar, found humility, and changed my judgmental outlook on people who are seen as low class. I will go from here, to hopefully being a frugal, financially responsible, and more compassionate for people, woman.
I just received a call, letting me know they found a respite Nurse for Sis. The charge Nurse will come to my home next Wednesday to do the paperwork, talk more about what this all entails, and do a home inspection. K, that last part scares me.. do you even know how much house cleaning I have to do, for someone to do a walk through of this place?! Egads! Then, Kira's Nurse will start approximately 2 weeks after that. I would love some Prayers that it's a good match. I understand that the match is more for her to tend to Kira's high needs, but obviously, I Pray for a good personality match for her and myself. Her hours will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F. I have no clue how I am suppose to entertain her for all of those hours each day. Kira will not need all of those hours to be hands on...so there will be tons of chit chat between her and I. I am sure all of this will be a beautiful situation, as I absolutely adore almost every one of Kira's hospital folks. I will keep you posted...
I spoke to Kira's Dr. about the bed situation, and she was putting in another prescription for a new bed. I have yet to hear anything back though. I need to follow up, because by now, a new bed should have been delivered, I should have received an email, or received a denial letter by mail. Good thing Kira sleeps with me often anyway.
After years of debating on cutting her hair, I DID IT. I would go back and forth so much, and always falling back to the fact that it's gorgeous and I just can't and won't cut it. Now that I did, I have no doubt what so ever, that I made the right choice, for KIRA. I kept it long for ME. She did not like her hair long. She has a sensitive scalp like her Momma, and she would posture and spit when I combed the rats nests out. It was always getting pulled, laid on, or caught on something when down. So I ended up mostly keeping it in an updo. Everyone told me how beautiful it was, that I shouldn't cut it, and even Jim has said many times that she is like Samson, and her hair is her strength. I put way too much symbolic value on her hair. She is my only girl. I have all of these boyish boys, and I just want to be able to do the "girly" thing to the fullest. It was such a ridiculously emotional thing for me to do. I am almost embarrassed that all of this hair business with Sissy is such a big deal to me. Anyway.. it's done, she looks absolutely adorable, and I know that she feels a million times better. THAT is what matters. It's quality of life, not length of hair for this girl now! ;)
Umm, what else to update with? Have I been on here since her Birthday? I don't think I have. It was pretty uneventful for her unfortunately. We went to my Father in Laws, and had a nice time with a few family members. For a large part of the day, it was too hot for her to be out, so she stayed inside, on the couch while we all swam and bbq'd. Poor Girl. She sat in Daddy's lap for her fireworks. YES, they are HER's now! lol Next year, Kira is going to have a large birthday bash at our house, on a different day other than the 4th. You are all invited!
On a wonderful note, Jim finally got a job. Hard times are about to be lifted. Whew. I have learned many valuable lessons through out all of this though. I have learned how to stretch a dollar, found humility, and changed my judgmental outlook on people who are seen as low class. I will go from here, to hopefully being a frugal, financially responsible, and more compassionate for people, woman.
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Before.. between her bottom and her knees. |
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After. A short, layered, A-line bob. |
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19 inch braid. (Still smells like coconut) ;) |
Saturday, July 23, 2011
New Bed
Today, Kira's new bed will be delivered. I am very excited about this! I have scoliosis, and get back aches often. It will be such a relief to be able to raise her bed high enough that means no more bending over! The head of the bed inclines, which is awesome for her lungs, and her dogs get a lift as well! Since this is Mine and Kira's blog, and I like to keep it on the honest side, I am going to admit something. As stoked as I am, I am a bit bummed that she is not getting the Sleep Safe Bed. I feel like I am 12 when I say that " Everyone else has the Sleep Safe Bed!" But they really do. Sleep Safe is a pediatric hospital bed for home use. This is the bed that she was going to get, they even had me look through the brochure and pick out the color of wood. It is an awesome bed! But the economy the way it is, and funding being cut everywhere, I do understand wanting us to have the cheaper bed. I realize this is sounding so ungrateful and greedy, I get that. I was just so wanting that bed, and I have yet to find another parent who has a regular hospital bed as their child's permanent bed, at home. I do feel incredibly Blessed to even be able to get the equiptment that we have for her, SO Blessed. It's no money out of my pocket, so I will shut up now. I will post pics of Baby Girl in her new bed this evening!
**** Update****
Apria just left, and I am in tears. This bed is horrible! It has to be the oldest style on the market. It is dented, scaped up and metal. It has a crank handle to raise the bed, and a couple metal bars by the head as the "side rail". I cannot believe they thought this bed was even close to being acceptable for a disabled child. It has zero protection for her, not user friendly and looks just hideous! Sorry folks, no fun, exciting pictures coming! I will obviously take care of this.
**** Update****
Apria just left, and I am in tears. This bed is horrible! It has to be the oldest style on the market. It is dented, scaped up and metal. It has a crank handle to raise the bed, and a couple metal bars by the head as the "side rail". I cannot believe they thought this bed was even close to being acceptable for a disabled child. It has zero protection for her, not user friendly and looks just hideous! Sorry folks, no fun, exciting pictures coming! I will obviously take care of this.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Respite Nursing
Ever since Sis was an infant, I have been told of my option to have a respite Nurse come into my home to help take care of her. I have always declined, because, " I can take care of her myself, she is MY baby, and I don't need any help." While this is still true, I have also been able to drop a bit of that ridiculous pride, and realize that now would be a great time to start accepting some help. Jim is about to start working out of town, making me somewhat of a single Momma to 5 children. She is getting older, which means heavier, which makes her body much more awkward and difficult to move around and take out. I see many pluses to having a Nurse in my home, helping with Kira. She deserves the extra hands to do range of motion, read to her, get her out of bed and rolling around in her chair, etc. It will help me be able to take the boys to and from school without having to load her up in the truck daily. I know it will be a difficult adjustment to having a stranger in my home, many hours a day, taking care of my child. I will feel very.... what's the word I'm going for...I don't know, let's just say uncomfortable. But I hope that it is a speedy adjustment and the Nurse and my family have a great rapport. I have to admit to still feeling guilty that I "have" to go ahead and accept this help now. I feel like I should be able to do everything she needs, medically, comfort wise, and stimulatory wise. Truth be told, she deserves so much more than what I provide her. I ask that none of you rebut this, because I have laxed way too much over the years with her care. I do not do everything that I should with her, I cannot even tell you the last time I gave her a full body massage or did a session of range of motion. It's sadly too easy to let her remain still and quiet in one room of the house, only going in to feed her, change her, change her position, or turn her music on. It's not fair to her, and it's neglectful. So I am doing this for her, she deserves nothing but the best care!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Family Reunion Part Deux
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Family Reunion
We have a family reunion this coming Saturday. My Daddy's side of the family is quite large. Granny had 12 kids, and they all had kids, and they all had kids, etc. It's going to be a great day. I am very much looking forward to my kids meeting and playing with new cousins. The one issue at hand, is Miss Kira Jean. With her autonomic dysfunction, she cannot tolerate extreme temps.. her body goes haywire. If it's too hot, she runs the risk of storming. Jim says people will understand if she cannot be there, ( it is outside at a park). But that is not okay to me. Family want to meet Kira, and Kira wants to meet family. Period. Usually, if we attend a summertime gathering, it is at someones house, and Sis gets to be in the cool house. I am thinking, I will bring a spray bottle to wet her down IF she gets too hot. The forecast says it should be 86 that day. If all else fails, and she starts to "act up" I can leave with her. But I feel this is important enough that she needs to at least make an appearance. ? I would love if any of my readers have a special child who is sensitive to heat, what would/do you do in situations like this?
Friday, June 3, 2011
Blogger Award
This is my cute little award that I received from the Mrs. Beautiful Amberlie at http://www.parentingpains.blogspot.com/ . Okay, yes, she is my Sister, but still. She loves my blog! I am also her biggest blog fan! With this award, I am to pass it on to my favorite top 15 Bloggers, and post to you all 7 things about me. This is scary.. do I let you in on 7 things that can make you not want to associate with me any longer, or 7 safe things, that will keep me on your Facebook Buddy list? Let's see what pops in my head...
1) I can out-eat you. Yes, even YOU.
2) I have had 5 body piercings and recently got my 1st tattoo, a large, full side one.
3) I love to smell my kids' breath. The stinker the better. Morning breath is my personal jackpot.
4) I am fluent in gibberish.
5) I sucked my fingers until I was 12.
6) I want to be a Suzy Homemaker so bad, but in reality, I am a horrible cook and housekeeper.
7) I love my children more than life itself. I would pop out my own eyeball just to feed them. ( Now THAT my friends, is love.)
I would now like to pass this award to...
I will post the additional receivers later. I just want these top winners to know they are doing a fantastic job at blogging. They have great reads! Please take your award, and post it on your blog! :)
1) I can out-eat you. Yes, even YOU.
2) I have had 5 body piercings and recently got my 1st tattoo, a large, full side one.
3) I love to smell my kids' breath. The stinker the better. Morning breath is my personal jackpot.
4) I am fluent in gibberish.
5) I sucked my fingers until I was 12.
6) I want to be a Suzy Homemaker so bad, but in reality, I am a horrible cook and housekeeper.
7) I love my children more than life itself. I would pop out my own eyeball just to feed them. ( Now THAT my friends, is love.)
I would now like to pass this award to...
I will post the additional receivers later. I just want these top winners to know they are doing a fantastic job at blogging. They have great reads! Please take your award, and post it on your blog! :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kira said an A word!
Kira is not as comfy as she could be tonight, so she is making little moans, gurgles and breathing heavily. Aaron came running out to me in full on "tattle" mode, yelling, "Momma, Sissy said an A word!!" Aaron calls any curse words, A words. I asked him what she said. He answered, " She said a-a-a-a- word that I shouldn't say, only a word Daddy should!"
Well, considering the fact that he is 4, and will not repeat a curse word, and Kira cannot speak at all.... I guess I will never know what bad words she spews at her baby brother when it's just the two of them.
Well, considering the fact that he is 4, and will not repeat a curse word, and Kira cannot speak at all.... I guess I will never know what bad words she spews at her baby brother when it's just the two of them.
Friday, May 20, 2011
This will be an area for me to post short little random things that I would like to share.
5/20... Last night there was a lady bug on Kira's pillow, right next to her face. I thought that was pretty cool! I always feel a sense of joy when I see them, not sure why. Is it said that if a lady bug lands on you, it's good luck? How does that go? Either way, what about if they want to share your pillow and go sweet night night with you?
5/20... Last night there was a lady bug on Kira's pillow, right next to her face. I thought that was pretty cool! I always feel a sense of joy when I see them, not sure why. Is it said that if a lady bug lands on you, it's good luck? How does that go? Either way, what about if they want to share your pillow and go sweet night night with you?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Welcome to Holland
When Kira was an infant, I came across the most amazing poem. I sat in front of my computer screen reading it, with literally a soaked face. I had tears pouring out of both eyes, ( would be funny if it were only one eye, huh!) I just could not believe what I was reading. This Momma that wrote it, has a special needs child, and she wanted to convey to the "outside world" what it feels like when you get the news that your child is not completely healthy. This poem took my emotions, my feelings, my words, my thoughts, my rage, and placed it into this poem that made me step back and say, "Yes, Holland is amazing. Different, but amazing." I share this poem with the staff at the hospital, and I encourage you to please share it with a family that has a special needs child. It is such a deeply penetrating poem, and can help many people. She just hits the nail on the head!
Friday, May 13, 2011
I have come across many people who tell me they have been wanting to ask me certain questions about Sis, but didn't know how to approach it. I want it to be known, that I am an open book with her. I try to cover most aspects of her disability, but I'm sure there are still things that someone can be curious or concerned about. I know the word 'disability' can be a 4-letter word to some people. I often hear that that word should be banned, because special people are differently abled, and they do have the ability to learn and progress. I completely agree with that, and most special needs people are, in fact, differently abled. But let's be honest here, Kira is asleep. There's not much one is able to do when the brain nor body are in an awake state. I would love for her to be categorized as "differently abled" but alas, she's just a snore bucket. * Said in the most adoring, respectful, and loving way imaginable. ;)*
So this post is an open forum opportunity. If there has ever been something you have wondered about, or something that popped into your head as you are reading this now, ask away.
So this post is an open forum opportunity. If there has ever been something you have wondered about, or something that popped into your head as you are reading this now, ask away.
Friday, April 29, 2011
More than just asleep
So today I had my first stranger acknowledge that Kira was more than "just asleep". I am sure strangers have wondered, as we pass them, but still aren't quite sure. This gentleman today, did not verbally acknowledge, but it was clear by his actions, that he knew. I was still at the Doctor's office, about to enter the elevator, and he was standing behind me. As I entered, I reached to hit the 1st floor button, but he eagerly extended his hand to press it for me. Right as the doors closed, he bent down to her, held her hand and said sweetly to her " Hello Sweetheart. Hello Sweetheart." I told him that she does not wake up, but she can feel him, and he gave me a gentle, understanding smile. As I walked away, I realized, " Wow, that was the first time." He was the sweetest man. If only everyone out there had that kind of soul. :)
As for her appointment, it went very well. She is doing fantabulous. Dr. is pleased with how clear her lungs sound, and we are going to restart her Robinol. Robinol is an excellent drug. It thickens and dries out her secretions. This equals less drool=less aspirations=less hospital admissions. As we were waiting for her Dr. to enter the room, we got bored and decided to link her sausage fingers and see how long she can stay like that. She wanted me to take a picture of it ,so she can show people how cute her wittle fat finders are. So love this girl!
As for her appointment, it went very well. She is doing fantabulous. Dr. is pleased with how clear her lungs sound, and we are going to restart her Robinol. Robinol is an excellent drug. It thickens and dries out her secretions. This equals less drool=less aspirations=less hospital admissions. As we were waiting for her Dr. to enter the room, we got bored and decided to link her sausage fingers and see how long she can stay like that. She wanted me to take a picture of it ,so she can show people how cute her wittle fat finders are. So love this girl!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The "R" word
This is a wonderful platform for me to speak about this nasty word. I have had many verbal conversations with friends and family about it. Somehow some of them get offended at me for asking them to not use it in my presence. Simply baffling. I realize the majority of people who call someone, something, or some place retarded, do not stop to put the connection between a mentally retarded person and someone who is acting goofy. But I ask you, DO stop and think of the connection. When you are referring to someone as being retarded, what are they doing that makes you desire to use that particular word? Are they being stupid, do they have a weird facial expression, what is it? There IS a connection. What's even worse is when people involve the kinked wrist against the chest motion. Ugh, makes me cringe. See, Kira is mentally retarded. She has the kinked wrists that she pulls up to her chest. This is a natural position for your limbs to take when the brain to body communication isn't smooth. It is so very hurtful to me when I hear people use the R word lightly and derogatorily. I have an Uncle with Downs Syndrome, so I didn't suddenly become an R word hater within the last 5 years. I have however, become much more passionate about it.
I know you all love and care for Kira, and I also know you wouldn't act in a hurtful way in respect to her on purpose. I am simply asking my readers to please think about this word, and find an alternative whenever you feel the urge to spew it. I'm trying to think of a funny example to perhaps show you from a different light, but alas.. I am still suffering from sleep deprivation and I am only on my first cup of joe. My funny bone doesn't activate until at least half a pot is down the hatch.
I know you all love and care for Kira, and I also know you wouldn't act in a hurtful way in respect to her on purpose. I am simply asking my readers to please think about this word, and find an alternative whenever you feel the urge to spew it. I'm trying to think of a funny example to perhaps show you from a different light, but alas.. I am still suffering from sleep deprivation and I am only on my first cup of joe. My funny bone doesn't activate until at least half a pot is down the hatch.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Cocoon Girl
I have always associated butterflies to Kira. When I was pregnant with her, I decorated her nursery with butterflies hanging from the ceiling. There were also garden bugs, flowers and more butterflies! I came across an image a few years back that I instantly loved, and found so fitting for my girl. Kira is just like a butterfly. She is trapped inside her cocoon, trying hard to flap her wings inside, and one day, she will emerge. Her break through consists of two paths. Whichever path she takes, I believe, she will be fully awaken.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter from the Perrymans to the world! Today is going to be a great day! Kira is improving, I get to spend the day with my boys and my family at my Momma's house, and I get to GRUB! I left the hospital at 5 a.m. this morning, got here and Jim and I saw a furry white creature hopping away from our home. Could it really have been.....? Jim then left to be with the Beauty Queen. I fell back asleep until Aaron crawled into bed with me. Awww, it feels like much more than a week that I have been able to shnuggle my baby bears in bed. I miss my family. Mr. Bunny hooked my babies up... more chocolate than their digestive systems can keep up with...score! I gave Sissy her Easter gifts this morning. This time, I did not spot the Easter Bunny leaving, but clearly, he had been in my room. He left her a soft pink piggy Pillow Pet, 2 silky cuff bracelets that Velcro on and have little toys hanging from them, and a bunch of large plastic eggs for her to hold. What's crazy, is that Kira is only 5, and this is her third Easter as inpatient. She has been in for a couple of Halloweens, maybe a couple of New years, but thank God, she has not yet been in for her birthday or Christmas. ( I don't think.) If you really know me, you know that my memory is atrocious, and I could very well be wrong here. Last year, we came close.. she was admitted on December 27th. This is our life, and if we have to have an alternative place to be on special days, I think Kaiser is a darn good one! There, she is surrounded by many who love her, and who she and I love. They are our 2nd family, and I am eternally grateful for all that they have done for our family through these 5 years. Thank you Lord for all of your many Blessings! Hope everyone has a fantabulous day, filled with love, laughter, bonding, Praise and food. Lots and lots of food! xoxo
Friday, April 22, 2011
Back in
The theme of this post will become very familiar for you readers. Kira is currently in the hospital. She has been there for one week. I tried to blog from my cell phone, but I could not post, only read. I usually get decent sleep when she is admitted. I will usually make sure she is dry, comfy, all meds and meals are given, and crawl on in. I have become used to the middle of the night room traffic, and can sleep right through it. My eyes don't usually pop open unless her alarms are going off or she really needs a good suctioning and she is loud enough to wake me up. For whatever reason, I am not sleeping well, so tonight, Jim and I switched places. He will be on baby girl duty and I get to spend time with my boys and sleep like a rock tonight! Kira has a weak swallow and not much of a spontaneous cough, so the most innocent of colds can and usually do turn into pneumonia for her. It can feel like I am spinning my wheels and fighting against an impossible force, trying to keep the cold from getting nice and cozy in her precious little lungs. I can be as aggressive as possible with her.. shaking and pounding on her lungs, inhaled therapy, deep suctioning down to her toes.. it doesn't seem to matter sometimes. This admission is not pneumonia however, but more of a viral bronchiolitis. She has a mild collapse and inflammation going on in there, and her secretions are just ridiculous! TMI warning... if you have a cringe factor, turn away now. Her secretions are so thick, that the suction tubing keeps getting clogged, and stops dead in its tracks when it comes in contact with it. When I am able to pull one of these ( let's call them critters) critters out, I can literally keep pulling, taking turns with either hand. Heave-ho-heave-ho. Once one of these critters waves it's white flag, and releases it's relentless grips from my daughters nostrils, I like to swing it around the room, like a lasso. this is my celebratory defeat dance. She has been on c-pap for over 24 hours, in hopes to re-inflate her left side. Hopefully, she will tolerate being taken off and moved to either normal wall 02 ( oxygen) or the Vapotherm machine. This piece of equipment is wonderful! It supplies necessary pressures of 02, while at the same time, giving off a warm humidified affect. I am so sorry, I want to write more, but I exhausted. Will update soon. :)
**** Today is the 25th and she came home this afternoon. Woohoo. I so love this part. Feels amazing. Somehow, it feels like it has been a year since she and I were here with nowhere to go and could cuddle, clean, or just be lazy dogs. In reality, it has only been 10 days. Kira is doing pretty darn good. She no longer requires oxygen support, but is also not satting at 100%, like she does when healthy. She is holding her own, in the mid 90's. She is comfortable, and breathing peacefully. I will continue doing her respiratory therapies, just as they were scheduled in the hospital, until she is back to her Miss Sassy pants self. We met a few new friends and Momma even learned how to do a fish bone braid on her. I think that fish braid seems easier than the french braid. I suck at both, but I suck less at the fishy one.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Diaper bag
Today, I bought Kira her first full sized diaper bag. When I was pregnant with her, I bought a chic, black, backpack style diaper bag. After that, came a few small pink and brown bags.. some with polkadots, one with Tinkerbell, and a tote from the Disney Store with Disney Princesses on it. But tonight, as I was in the diaper isle, I took notice of the cute diaper bags they had. Then the thought shot through my mind, why don't I use a diaper bag, a REAL diaper bag for Kira? After all, she is in diapers, needs wipes, a slobber rag, change of clothes, meds, blanket, milk and the milk's vessel. I didn't want to get something too babyish.. I mean, c'mon, her's an old lady now, but I did want cute. I absolutely love the bag I bought. It is a messenger style bag. It's tan, suede feel, with a pink butterfly, flowers, heart and ladybug. I cannot believe everything it holds. I packed it tonight with 3 outfits, socks, her CD player, 2 cans of milk, her tube, diapers and wipes and her pink & brown polka dot blankey. I was wondering what other parents of special needs kiddos carry. Backpacks, diaper bags? I don't know, maybe next month, I will feel like she is too grown up for this and kick it down to my niece, but right now, it's fun and a bit nostalgiac to pack a diaper bag!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Kira's birth video
I don't want to post the video here, show's a bit of thigh action, but is otherwise "decent". But if anyone wants to see it, let me know, and I will shoot you the link. I made it years ago. It's a video montage created at One True Media. For those who do watch it, do not be alarmed. She is referred to as "Sophia" in it. I promise, it IS my video, not stolen! She was Sophie bear the entire pregnancy and for the first 24 hours of her life. When it was time for pen to hit paper on the birth certificate, I decided to give her the name that Jim loved, because she was going to be a Daddy's girl.
Let me catch you up
So, the last story I wrote about Sis was 3 years ago, so I will try to do a quick catch up here. She is currently only on 2 pills.. Baclofen, for her autonomic storms, and Klonopin, for her seizures. She also gets Albuterol and Flovent daily through her air chamber puffer. I give her Miralax as well, for her chronic constipation. She has always been hypertensive, needed 2 high doses of blood pressure meds daily to keep it under control. But last year, we did a trial run, and she is mysteriously able to go without any hypertension meds at all now. She still runs a wee bit higher than the typical child, but it's a safe number for Kira.
Kira has seizures all day, every day, and I have accepted that nothing will change that. We have tried next to every anti-convulsant out there, and I put her on the Ketogenic diet in hopes to gain seizure control. While the diet was actually the best treatment thus far, she still seized hourly. She kept falling out of ketosis, even when I was being strict. Then when she developed RTA ( Renal Tubular Acidosis) I just changed back to pills for treatment. The Dr. assured me there was no connection between the RTA and the diet, but I had had enough. On a great day, Kira will have say, 2 or 3 seizures an hour. On a typical day, Kira has about 5-10 an hour. When she is sick, she literally seizes back to back. Her last hospitalization, we could not get that girl to stop. We drugged her up so much, that a herd of cows would have been down for the count. Her little stubborn brain was in it to win it though, for some reason.
Something that HAS improved is her response to pain. In the past, it didn't matter where you stuck her with a needle, she would lay there as if she were as snug as a bug in a rug. Now, she lets you know, " THAT HURTS!" She will posture, and even grunt if it's really painful. Last year, while it broke my heart, it also made me laugh ( after I calmed down and pulled myself back together)... We could NOT get vein access on her. They tried and tried. Then they attempted to do a picc line in her arm, but it would not thread, so we ultimately ended up putting in her port. She has needed that baby all of her life, she has the worst veins I have ever seen. This port is a God send! Going back...so while they were poking her for literally 3 hours to try to get vein access, she was putting up a fight, she ended up at the foot of her bed! She was kicking her legs and fighting so much that my girl scooted herself all the way to the foot of the bed, I LOVE that. I hated it while it was happening of course. I actually had a couple breakdowns, but when it was over, I was like, "Go Kira, go!"
She is still *asleep*. Anyone who sees her thinks she is just a sleeping little girl, and they tell their children, "Shhh.. she's sleeping.". I no longer give each of these strangers my life story, I just smile and continue on my way. I used to feel compelled to explain to every single person who saw Kira her life story. It was ridiculous. lol If I was at the grocery store, and Kira was say, in my front carrier as a baby , and the cashier simply said, " Aw, what a cute baby." There I went with, " She does not wake up..I have 3 healthy boys.. nobody can figure out whats wrong with her.. she was born like this.. she seizes all day... yadda, yadda, yadda," Poor Strangers, what an awkward position I must have put them in. She just simply wanted my money and for me to walk away! Thank goodness, I don't do that any longer.. you're all welcome! ;)
Okay, it's "Late Start Wednesday" and I need to get the boys ready for school.
Kira has seizures all day, every day, and I have accepted that nothing will change that. We have tried next to every anti-convulsant out there, and I put her on the Ketogenic diet in hopes to gain seizure control. While the diet was actually the best treatment thus far, she still seized hourly. She kept falling out of ketosis, even when I was being strict. Then when she developed RTA ( Renal Tubular Acidosis) I just changed back to pills for treatment. The Dr. assured me there was no connection between the RTA and the diet, but I had had enough. On a great day, Kira will have say, 2 or 3 seizures an hour. On a typical day, Kira has about 5-10 an hour. When she is sick, she literally seizes back to back. Her last hospitalization, we could not get that girl to stop. We drugged her up so much, that a herd of cows would have been down for the count. Her little stubborn brain was in it to win it though, for some reason.
Something that HAS improved is her response to pain. In the past, it didn't matter where you stuck her with a needle, she would lay there as if she were as snug as a bug in a rug. Now, she lets you know, " THAT HURTS!" She will posture, and even grunt if it's really painful. Last year, while it broke my heart, it also made me laugh ( after I calmed down and pulled myself back together)... We could NOT get vein access on her. They tried and tried. Then they attempted to do a picc line in her arm, but it would not thread, so we ultimately ended up putting in her port. She has needed that baby all of her life, she has the worst veins I have ever seen. This port is a God send! Going back...so while they were poking her for literally 3 hours to try to get vein access, she was putting up a fight, she ended up at the foot of her bed! She was kicking her legs and fighting so much that my girl scooted herself all the way to the foot of the bed, I LOVE that. I hated it while it was happening of course. I actually had a couple breakdowns, but when it was over, I was like, "Go Kira, go!"
She is still *asleep*. Anyone who sees her thinks she is just a sleeping little girl, and they tell their children, "Shhh.. she's sleeping.". I no longer give each of these strangers my life story, I just smile and continue on my way. I used to feel compelled to explain to every single person who saw Kira her life story. It was ridiculous. lol If I was at the grocery store, and Kira was say, in my front carrier as a baby , and the cashier simply said, " Aw, what a cute baby." There I went with, " She does not wake up..I have 3 healthy boys.. nobody can figure out whats wrong with her.. she was born like this.. she seizes all day... yadda, yadda, yadda," Poor Strangers, what an awkward position I must have put them in. She just simply wanted my money and for me to walk away! Thank goodness, I don't do that any longer.. you're all welcome! ;)
Okay, it's "Late Start Wednesday" and I need to get the boys ready for school.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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16 weeks |
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Around 27 weeks |
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1st Birthday |
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Quick camera skills |
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Marathon & Diva Ride |
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Love cloth dipes! |
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Beautiful Elvis smile |
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They love their Sissy! |
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Rockin some make-up |
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My sleeping beauty with her sleeping beauty |
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Her kitty Lazlo ( They share a birthday) |
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My friend Kris at CooshieTooshies.com made this adorable cover |
What Kira "eats"
Truth be told, I used to be somewhat of a "breastfeeding nazi". I was always an extended breast feeder, and tried to get all momma's to do the same, or at least to just nurse. Having Sissy, definitely changed my point of view. I am so Blessed to have a couple pictures of Kira nursing. I attached her to my breast right after birth, like I did my other children. I also nursed her when she was a couple of hours old. Again, she did not open her mouth, nor root, but I was able to "get it in" :) I pumped my milk for her for the first 9 months of her life. It was getting to be too much for me, mentally and physically, so I changed her to formula. After not being able to nurse one of my children, and finding that formula is saving her life, my outlook on formula quickly changed. Now, if a new Momma tells me they are bottle feeding, I don't give it a second thought.. who am I to?
Here are the yummies she has had in her tummy;
. Momma milk
. Infant formula (soy)
. Nutren Jr. w/fiber
.Ketogenic diet ( for seizures)
.Peptamin Jr. w/ fiber ( thought it would help constipation.. no go)
.Pediatric Compleat
She does not have any allergies nor limit to what she can eat. If I can liquefy it enough, and it can make it through her G-tube, we're golden!
Kira's Beginning
They say, "As long as it's healthy..." But, what if it's not?
No one prepares you for your world to be turned upside down, for you to be blindsided by the
birth of your sick or disabled child.
My husband and I were teenage sweethearts, we have been together since I was fifteen years old. Two crazy kids who started their family young, having three amazing boys by the time I was twenty-five years old. I absolutely loved being a mom to boys, I absorbed everything dinosaurs, dirty, Tonka trucks, and Power Rangers. When I became pregnant with my fourth child, I already knew that it was going to be another boy, I was convinced that my husband and I could not create girls. Laying on that exam table, crisp white paper beneath me, bladder painfully full, the ultrasound tech moved the wand gently around my twenty week abdomen and asked if we wanted to know the gender. I already did, I didn't need her to tell me, but I answered her anyway, "Absolutely, yes please." She pointed to the three little white lines and said “This is a baby girl.” I could not believe it. In fact, I didn't believe it, not completely. My cousin was told she was having a girl, only to give birth to a boy that became the proud owner of a hot pink
bedroom and flower embroidered outfits.
I eventually trusted the imaging and went crazy with fabulous and exciting ideas of how I will do her nursery, what theme I wanted and the decorations. I wanted to go all out and throw Pepto Bismol pink on everything that would be involved with her. This was all new territory, and it was breathtaking. Her nursery was painted a light lavender, donning garden bugs, butterflies, and flowers on every wall. There were even large butterflies hanging from the ceiling. It was magical. The time came for us to meet our little girl. It was July third when I was admitted into the hospital. I had been in early labor for a few days prior, but I was an old pro at the tightening and relaxing of the uterus, I knew active labor had not yet begun. Still, during an assessment on that day, we could see that the baby's heart rate would dramatically decelerate with each contraction, so they decided to keep me and help labor progress. This was it! We had not yet settled on a name for this upcoming princess, my choice was Sophia, and I would often call her Sophie Bear as I rubbed my tummy. My husband's choice was Kira, after the character Kira
Nerys from Star Trek. He was a bit of a "Trekkie.” I had some reservations with his choice of name. First of all, I can hardly pronounce it, my mouth wanted to say "Kara”, and if her own mom can't say her name correctly, how can I expect anyone else to? Secondly, name her after a Star Trek character? I felt as though he had truly lost his mind. I felt the same when he, my own mother and his sister thought it would be a fantastic idea to name her Liberty, calling her Libby for short, when it was realized she would be born on the fourth of July. I looked at all of them like they had two heads, asking what was wrong with them! Looking back, that actually was an adorable idea, and I was the crazy one, with quite literally two heads laying in that bed. Her heart rate continued to drop with each tightening of my uterus. She was being squeezed and wasn't
tolerating it. They gave me a little oxygen and assured me this is normal.
After about fourteen hours of active labor, she made her glorious debut into this world. She was perfect; so beautiful, and with SO much dark hair, nothing like her three bald big brothers. She cried a little, but it was weak. She moved a little, but not how a newborn typically moves once they are pulled from their snug, warm womb, into the outside world full of vast space and cool air. When she was fifteen minutes old, while still in the delivery room, my mom was holding her and I said, "Oh look, she's saying “no!”", she was moving her head in a side to side motion. I jokingly thought it was so cool, my genius daughter was one in a million! Turns out she actually is, well, even rarer than that, if you can believe it. However, unfortunately not
for being able to voice her disapproval with her newborn body language.
A few hours pass and she has yet to open her eyes, the nurse tells me that she is exhausted from the ride and simply does not have the energy. I accepted this answer. The length of time that I was in ignorant bliss would only last a few hours. During that time, we had family and friends arrive to meet our beautiful daughter, it was wonderful. When she was around six hours old, she developed a fever. The doctor let me know this can happen when babies get dehydrated. He had me unwrap her from the receiving blankets covered in bears and bunnies, remove her tiny white t-shirt and pink and blue striped beanie. Although I was a breastfeeding mom, he wanted her to have a bottle of formula to get quick hydration into her. Alone in the room, I offer my girl the bottle, she instantly choked on the milk and her skin turned blue. I panic and call for the nurse. The nurse comes in and tries the bottle herself. Again with the choking, skin going blue once more, at that point, I insisted the bottle be taken away. An hour goes by, I have my baby in my arms snuggling peacefully when I notice that once again, she is turning blue. This time, there is NO reason for it. At this point, there are enough red flags for a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse to come get her and take her for an assessment. At that time, the thought was that her eyes were still closed due to swelling and that she must have an infection somewhere. In my head, while yes, I am very afraid, I am thinking I only have a couple of obstacles here: she has to become coordinated with a bottle, and they have to treat the infection… not too much to deal with, eh! Soon after they rolled her out of my room, a man knocked on my door for the third time to ask me to fill out the form for her birth certificate. I had asked him to come back twice before, as I was still undecided on her name. Kira or Sophia, Sophia or Kira? This had never happened to me. With my boys, they were named before they were born, and that was that. But now, looking at her, I didn't FEEL her being Sophia, as I had while she was my Sophie Bear for the previous four months. But my girl needed a name, so I sat there, in my hospital gown, pen in hand, hovering above the line that was screaming at me to write a name on it. I hovered for what felt like minutes but was probably seconds. I finally just put pen to paper and what was written read; "Kira Jean Beauty Queen Prettiest Girl I've Ever Seen.” Okay, perhaps not all of that, but her name was going to be Kira.
A day passes, and she has become still and quiet. Her eyes have not opened, she is not reacting to the outside world, and people are taking notice. On day two, I noticed her body doing a strange, almost shivering-like action. I told the doctor what I noticed, not knowing that he had noticed as well and that he had a thought-out conversation in his head, that he wanted to have with me. He gently asked me to sit and talk with him. Now, before I tell you what this conversation entailed, let me tell you that I thank our Heavenly Father that I had my mom by my side at that moment. She has been by my side from day one, and I really feel that I would not be who and how I am mentally and emotionally without her. She has been my rock throughout this entire journey. This unbelievable, agonizing, beautiful, painfully miraculous journey. My husband as well, we have to be each others rock, something like this can break a person, and believe me, it has tried too many times to mention. When I start to crumble, they pick me up by my bootstraps, and I can only hope that I do the same for them.
The doctor sits me down and tells me that he suspects there is something neurological going on with Kira. He says he would like to do an electroencephalogram (EEG) on her brain. I had no idea at that time what an EEG was, but I was understanding that he thought there was
something wrong with my daughter's brain... "WHAT?!"
They do the EEG, and I only had to wait a few hours before getting the results, the horrible, gut-wrenching, disgusting results.
Here again is where Jesus put another angel in my presence, my sister-in-law Kim. I had just walked into the NICU and was at the sink washing my hands when the neonatologist walked up to deliver the results of her EEG. If I remember verbatim, the conversation went like this; "Are they in?"
"What are they?"
"It's very abnormal."
"What does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean?"
This is where people talk about shock as being in a dream state. The room was literally spinning, everything went foggy, I went numb, and felt sick. My sister-in-law Kim walked in at that very second. Thank you, Lord. I sat down, and I remember the doctor having his hands on my knees asking if I can hear him. My husband Jim then came in, sat next to me, and I told him what the results were. All I needed to know was, "Would she make it?!" He could not tell me the answer to that. The doctor, my husband, and I continued the conversation back in my recovery room. We discussed what this could possibly mean for her, what tests they will be running, the labs they will be drawing, and he tried to answer the panic-stricken questions that were racing out of my mouth, to the best of his ability. Reflecting on Kira's first fifteen minutes of life, it's now clear that she was not that prodigy child flowing out of the womb knowing how to communicate, it was the first of her millions to come, seizures.
Kira ended up being in the NICU for exactly one month. The entire time, she couldn't have anything more than a diaper covering her, as she kept her mysterious high body temperature. If you were to even drape a receiving blanket on her, her temperature would shoot up. She was placed on Phenobarbital for her seizures, and a nasogastric (NG) tube was placed for her feedings. During her first month, she would suck on a bottle or breast, briefly. She never did root, or open her mouth on her own, but, if you placed your finger in her mouth and pulled her tongue down, then worked the nipple in, she would start to suck, albeit not very strong or smooth. It was literally like trying to feed a sleeping baby, who started to suckle for a moment as they dreamt. I couldn't help but irrationally think that she would not be going through this, that she would be a "normal" (we don't use that word anymore, "neurotypical" is preferred) little girl if I had kept her name as Sophia. I was convinced that Sophia was not meant to go through this journey. I shared this with all of her nurses during our stay, who of course tried to rid me of this self-inflicting chastisement. I kept this ridiculous, unwavering belief for years.
Somehow, Kira came home on oral feedings. I wasn't educated enough, or even fully mentally available enough, to realize what a terrible decision this was. One month after being home, I had to take Kira to the emergency department for very scary behavior. She was breathing incredibly fast, her back was arched, her heart rate was in the 220s, she had a fever and was sweating buckets. It wouldn't come to an end. This was different from the seizures that I had been trying to accept. What she was experiencing is called an "Autonomic Storm.” Our autonomic systems control our respiratory rate, heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. Think of it as your "automatic" system. She was also labeled as ‘failure to thrive’, not meeting
the weight or nutritional standards that she should have. She of course was admitted into the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), during this admission, the intensivist changed her anticonvulsant, and from that moment on, she lost what suck she did have. I would try the bottle here and there after this, but quickly became discouraged and depressed, and gave up my efforts. I very much regret 'throwing in the towel' on my girl, as her having any type of oral behavior is pretty much all that she was able to do.
When Kira was three months old, she had a g-tube placed, a surgical procedure called a fundoplication (this prevents stomach contents from re-entering your esophagus), and a skin, muscle, and nerve biopsy done, in hopes of giving a name to what Kira was going through. During our first few months, we had just about every lab drawn, tested for every syndrome out there, all the assessments a professional can perform, but still, no answers. What EVERYONE agreed on, was that this child would not see her second birthday. Across the board, this was to be her fate. Even a doctor that I traveled to, to get 'new eyes' on her, told me and my husband to cherish every day, as she will not make it to two years old. What IS it with this magical number two, that doctors love to use?!
Doctors have conferred with other specialists, and I, of course, have scoured the internet, searching for someone else like Kira, but alas, she appears to quite literally be the only human being like her. Nobody can find another human in a sleeping state since birth. Even blind children have their eyes open. She is a medical mystery. Today, Kira is sixteen years old and remains in a sleeping state, never opening her eyes. She does however roll them briefly during her seizures. Rarely, she will slit them open ever so slightly for a moment. She has what is called 'intractable epilepsy', meaning that regardless of what medications or treatments she receives, her seizures are relentless, they cannot be controlled. Since her first day of life, she has had seizures all day, every day. Some days are better than others, but never a full day of peace. On average, we get about two-four hours of her brain being at rest before it sparks back up and she starts clustering; seizure after seizure, until the next medication dose knocks them back out and suppresses them for another two, three, four hours. She has never had a purposeful movement, she cannot move any part of her body, she cannot speak, cannot eat, and she can hardly muster up a cough. If she isn't seizing, she appears to be asleep. If you don't know her, you think she is, and at an early age, she was nicknamed "Sleeping Beauty.” It is unbelievably frustrating and confusing that during a seizure, her arm will raise, her head will turn, her leg will lift, her larynx offers the sweet sound of a voice I will never hear speak, but if her brain isn't sparking, it's silence and stillness. What is being unlocked during those neurological sparks and why can't we locate that key?
I have fully, I think, accepted that I will never have an answer to any of this. I have finally stopped praying for her to wake up, but instead, to just have a good quality of life. While I know there are powerful forces at work, pulling her back to me as I beg and plead when she is teetering between worlds, I don't believe that she is receiving that quality of life that I wish so badly for her anymore. I use to tell people that she is like an infant in the sense of tending to her daily needs. What an infant needs most is comfort, nourishment, security, and love. Kira could win awards for her cuddling skills. Unfortunately, she has been through and continues to go through excruciating, miserable things. Things that seem inhumane and so unjust. She has seen countless amounts of hospital stays, she has had a couple of handfuls of surgeries, and is now to the point where her body is just tired and not as resilient as it once was. This gorgeous, precious, amazing, innocent soul, does not deserve any of what she has to endure every single day of her life. In saying that, It also needs to be mentioned that I am so grateful to still have her with me, and trust me, I fully realize how selfish this sounds. I can’t bear the thought of the alternative, though the rational part of my brain knows I will have to. I will let my heart and brain work that one out. In the meantime, I will continue to shower my baby with all the love that I have inside me. I am trying every day to find a way to get her back to the days when she was stable and cozy. But is it really possible to rewind time? If only.
Kira has taught so many people, so many lessons: lessons of love, of perspective, and rekindling or even lighting someone's low or non-existent flame of faith. Having been the lucky one to be called her mom, I am a completely different person than I was before this magnificent being was brought into my life. I have been molded into many different forms. Some for the better, some not that great, and in other ways, just changed - not for better or for worse. I want to say perspective has been one of the largest gifts that I have been given. This was imparted upon me by my mother when Kira was still in the NICU. Her words of wisdom hit me like a ton of bricks and have stuck with me, always bringing me back to where I need to be. Although my daughter is severe and our life gets unimaginably frightening, I now have the ability to be able to think, "It could always be worse." I am able to find the silver lining in the blackest of spaces. It is not always an easy feat, but I keep searching until I find one, because, there always is one. Sometimes you have to dig just a little bit deeper. As crappy as life may seem at the moment, as unfair and painful, as much as it can knock you down and take your breath away - take a pause, take a breath, and eventually you will find some good. If I find myself complaining of discomfort, I think about Kira, and what she has to endure, and tell myself to "Knock it off!" I have learned to treasure and really breathe in each moment. I make sure the people around me know how much I love them. Life is but a feather floating in the wind, never knowing how strong or calm the gusts will be. Never take people or moments for granted. This young lady is physically stunning. When she was younger, I would often find myself staring at her, wondering what she would look like with her eyes open, laughing, running, and playing, until it became too painful to picture. She has her dad's auburn hair, full, with soft waves. Her eyes are a beautiful grey-blue with lush eyelashes. Her eyebrows make women jealous, I'm jealous. I was a teen in the early nineties, when the pencil-thin brows were in, so I tweezed until the hair follicle finally said "Good riddance.” Her brows have that perfect arch that so many women pay to create. That perfect arch and those tranquil, beautiful “blues”, are also a perfect compliment to her daddy.
Her lips are full, soft, and pink, almost heart-shaped. She has an angled chin and puffy Cabbage
Patch doll cheeks. When in her presence, you can feel her, you know 'she's there’. On really amazing days, she will give me a little half 'Elvis' smile. Did you know that the act of one curling up a part of their lip could be the absolute best gift you could ever receive? Who needs all the riches in the world? No, this smile is it. When her mouth gives me that brief upward turn, my heart leaps with joy and gratitude. She is unable to respond to you, but I fully believe she understands, that she is aware. Her brain just doesn't allow her to respond. Have you heard of
"Locked-in syndrome?” I believe Kira is similar to this situation, it's like a comatose patient awakening and repeating things back to you that transpired, or that were said while they were in the coma. Kira is not in a coma, she just won't ‘wake up’.
We went on to have a fifth child, another boy. I know this sounds incredibly reckless and insane, but I needed to have another baby. I needed to see my infant crawl, grab for toys and reach milestones. I know that was a selfish state of mind, but my mind was not in a clear, rational place. Kira Jean has four brothers that love her to no end. They are incredible with her, and so understanding. With Kira's extensive medical issues and frequent hospital admissions, their lives have been dramatically affected. Now that the older boys are adults, we openly talk about what their childhood looked like. It's no secret that they did not have a normal childhood. They missed out on a lot of things, and they often had a depressed mom. Depressed, anxiety-ridden, scared of literally everything-so never letting them go anywhere-for fear of something happening to them, and exhausted. They did get more love than a mom can give though, flooding them with verbal
"I love yous,” and hugs and squeezes all throughout the day. At the time, I thought this was enough. It wasn't. My sons are remarkable human beings. They acknowledge what I was going through, share with me their experiences of that consequence, but in the end, tell me that they know I did the best that I could do. I’m listening to their words and sincerely putting forth the effort, in not creating the same lacking with my youngest son, still at home.
Our second home has been the hospital PICU. I have developed friendships and bonds with the doctors, respiratory therapists, and nurses there and It made me realize my passion. My childhood dream was always to be a nurse or a veterinarian. When I was pregnant with Kira, I started attending community college, beginning my path to becoming a nurse. Of course, I stopped attending when she was born. I finally became a licensed vocational nurse (LVN) last year, and it feels amazing to be able to call myself a nurse. I am currently attending community college, on my way to becoming a registered nurse (RN). The ways that the PICU nurses have been there for me in my darkest moments, shining even an inch of light for me, made me realize that if I ever put my RN license to work, PICU will be my home. Not only have they saved my daughter's life countless times, but they have also saved mine, figuratively speaking. It would be an absolute honor to be that same light for another parent who so desperately needs it.
I have seen my child stop breathing too many times to count. I have seen her lips, fingers, and toes as purple as fresh grapes. I have to put a suction catheter down her nose & throat often. Her spine is curved to 130 degrees. She hurts. I hurt for her. I am not sure whose pain runs deeper. There are no words to describe the love that I have for my daughter. What mother can put her love into words? It's such a powerful, unbreakable bond, and I know that she loves me just as much as I love her. I make sure that I tell her that I know. She and I have our communication, though the outside world will not detect it, we know. Kira has a strength that you could not imagine. How can someone, so incredibly fragile, be so strong? How can she be such a powerful warrior, yet so delicate? I am in awe of Kira Jean Beauty Queen every single day. I could not be more proud to be her Momma.
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