Saturday, March 24, 2018
Deep breath. So, this is not a comfortable post for me to make, because I know the judgment I will undoubtedly endure. Unfortunately, our society has a long way to come in the recognition of medical marijuana. But hopefully someone reading this, who does not believe in the therapeutic properties, and thinks it should be banned, will have a change of heart by the time you finish reading about my girl. If you have not read "Kira's Story", I encourage you to do so. It was written many years ago, but it truly does not require updating, as there have been virtually no changes. We have tried almost every single anti-convulsant that can be prescribed, we have also put Kira on the Ketogenic diet. Nothing helps her seizures. They are absolutely untamable. That's not to say she is jerking and thrashing every minute, but it's also not that far off. She has to have her Klonopin, Baclofen, Trileptal, and Ativan on board to be in a comfortable state. If it weren't crappy enough that her brain wants to spark all day, every day, throw in 4 failed back surgeries to help her 119 degree scoliosis curve, and her dislocated left hip. Kira's body hurts. Kira's brain is not her friend. But, she has THE sweetest soul oozing through that you can't help but feel and are magnetized to when in her presence, and it is my job to help my baby, ANY way that I can. She is here for a purpose, and obviously there are no words that can describe what I feel having to watch my daughter go through this life in this way. I have seen magical turn arounds from other children who were severe like Kira, through the use of CBD oils. I'm sure you have heard of Charlottes Web or Jaydens Juice? I was hesitant to try it, out of fear of Kira somehow being taken away from me. I made sure that I went through the proper avenues of becoming her certified caregiver of CBD, and getting her a CBD patient certification from a licensed Dr. I think it SUCKS that a Parent holds off HELPING their child out of the fear and stigma that our society has created. Let me tell you how amazing this oil is for my girl. VERY. It literally works better than all of her heavy duty prescriptions combined. That's not knocking the world of modern medicine, this is me saying for Kira personally, CBD works better. It has not woken her up and made her a responsive tween, who can giggle at your jokes, as my brain unrealistically dreamed of when envisioning her using CBD, but it brings her amazing quality of life. That's priceless. If all I can do for her as her Momma is make her comfortable, take her pain away, calm her brain so it's not continuously firing, and give her as much love as I can squeeze out from my toenails to my hair follicles, then, that's what I'm going to continue doing, and I Pray that our family gets nothing but support for it. I also Pray that we can be testimony to other families who are unable to manage their loved ones medical issues, and have been considering trying CBD oil. I am not anywhere where I want to be with the use of her CBD's. I have only been giving it to her about once a day, very recently, twice a day as she is still on her full host of prescriptions. I would like to start the weaning process of her presciptions, and eventually only be on CBD oil if that can happen. When I give Kira a dose of CBD, it is a tiny amount that I mix in with coconut oil and water, and put through her G-tube. It kicks in pretty quickly, and brings her great relief. She will then be relaxed, no posturing, no little lightening bolt jerks that she sometimes gets that will throw her into her seizures, nothing. Nothing but a precious girl who is not feeling pain or seizing for those few hours that the oil is on board. It is in those hours that I try to get the most stimuli in, because on a normal basis, any type of positive stimuli sparks more seizures. It's stupid! The only way for a brain to grow and create new connections are through positive stimulation, and all of her life, that just creates more seizures. I cannot tell you how frustrating that is. It's like.. "Don't rock the boat!" I'm not afraid of that boat rocking anymore. Not when she has had her oils. It truly has been life altering for her, and me really, and it can only get better from here, when we get on a more structured schedule. Kira has Angels in human form, she has a LOT really, but right now, I'm talking about the people at OC Pharm. They heard our story through my sweet cousin, and almost immediately decided to sponsor her. They have been Blessing her with free CBD for the last year, asking nothing in return. They recently redid their website, and they have added a "Kira" tab. It's crazy to see my girl on there, where they are sharing her story, linking her blog and they even created a Gofundme for our family. It's like, "Are you kidding me? This is too good to be true!" But it is true, they want to help our family, and I Pray that they are Blessed in return. I am not sure how I feel about the Gofundme, I will be completely honest. It almost makes me feel moochy, as I would like to donate to others, not have people donate to us. Please, by reading this, do NOT feel any sense of obligation whatsoever to even click the GFM link, please. I just think it is beyond amazing that this company did that for her, for us. Maybe we can start calling her oils something like Kira's Koncotion or Kira's Kourage.. like Jayden or Charlotte have, I don't know!:) I just feel so grateful to, and beyond joyful that I have something that helps Kira Jean. Feel free to message me with any questions, I am pretty much an open book about what she goes through. I sincerely hope that by me getting uncomfortable and being brave to open up publicly about this, can help another Momma find this sort of "AHA!" treatment. Until more and more families share their testimonies, awareness cannot happen.
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